Borneo Wisdom & Indigenous Knowlegde

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lost Inland road in west kalimantan ...

There is a phenomenon of concern to a number of roads in the interior of Ketapang district, especially in the district of Hulu Barley. In recent years, a number of roads that connect between the village and district residents rarely used. As a result of the road almost disappeared and over the road covered in trees.As seen on the road that connects the village with the village Biku Sarana Riam and Sengkuang Merabung. This meter wide road emat remaining approximately 20 centimeters longer covered due to grass and trees. According Rudian, the village head Biku Means, initially it is the only path that is used even though badly damaged. But after the entry of oil palm plantation company, people choose the way the company despite the further but better. Because it is not used anymore, the road between the villages had become like a jungle.In addition to roads, bridges were also very poor condition. As seen on the bridge connecting the village of Pasir Mayang Jaya and Limpang. This bridge left several pieces of boards and the way like porridge so if the rainy season is not practical pathway used citizen again.Residents hope that the government improve road there because if one time the company closed their path, then the public will be very difficult to carry out their activities. The road is the lifeblood of their economy. Road is their lives because there is no other transportation. If the road is smooth, then certainly the people's economy by itself will thrive. The results of the plantation, livestock, and forest products can be transported smoothly if the course well.Residents of South Ketapang also hope that in the next election there of citizens elected as their representative in the province. According Asurdius, officials Village Head Black Soil District of shovel, during the problems in this southern region of Ketapang, such as provincial roads, are not accommodated in the absence of the son of South Ketapang in Parliament Provinsi.Karena that he hopes residents Southern Ketapang compact pick the citizens of the region South Ketapang as a representative in the province.

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